在C++STL的头文件<algorithm>中,各式算法函数往往会对支持该算法的最低迭代级别作出要求。任何算法作用的容器或迭代,只有支持的权限等于或高于算法要求的最低迭代级别,才能适用该算法。(关于迭代级别,可参考楼主文章:《一篇文章看懂C++ 标准模板库容器和迭代》,URL:https://my.oschina.net/SamYjy/blog/855953 )比如某个算法需要至少向前迭代级别支持,则该算法可以应用于所有迭代级别高于或等于向前迭代的容器。因此,STL算法函数的学习中,就可以按照算法所支持的迭代级别对算法进行分类。
- vector:若vector的空间被重新分配,所有之前的迭代均无效。其他情况下,从插入点到end位置的迭代无效。
- deque:全部迭代失效。
- list, forward_list以及顺序关联型容器:全部迭代有效。
- 非顺序关联型容器:若容器空间被重新分配则所有迭代失效。
- 对vector来说,从被擦除位置到end位置的元素全部无效。
- 对deque来说,如果队列中间部分元素被擦除,则所有迭代无效。
C++ STL算法查看方式(以transform函数为例):
cppreference 为C++ DOC的一个使用说明网页。网址:http://en.cppreference.com/w/ 在其中可以查到各种算法函数(点击Algorithms library)。例如,查询transform函数可获得以下两条C++11有关信息:
template< class InputIt, class OutputIt, class UnaryOperation >
OutputIt transform( InputIt first1, InputIt last1, OutputIt d_first,
UnaryOperation unary_op );
template< class InputIt1, class InputIt2, class OutputIt, class BinaryOperation >
OutputIt transform( InputIt1 first1, InputIt1 last1, InputIt2 first2,
OutputIt d_first, BinaryOperation binary_op );
此处,InputIt就表示输入迭代,OutputIt就表示输出迭代,UnaryOperation表示传入参数为一个的单元操作函数,BinaryOperation表示传入参数为二元的函数。此外,还有ForwardIt表示向前迭代,RandomIt 表示随机存取以及 Compare表示传入函数对象等。
C++ STL常用算法一览:
- all_of(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), bool_func):判断是否迭代范围内的所有元素都能使bool_func函数为true。返回值为bool。
- any_of(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), bool_func):判断是否迭代范围内的存在元素,能使bool_func函数为true。返回值为bool。
- accumulate(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), initVal, [how_to_accu]):头文件<numeric>,第三个参数为积分的初始值。第四个参数为可选参数,为一个指定了计算积分的方式的函数头。该指定积分方式的函数必须以当前和和下一项为传入值,返回值为当前和与下一项值进行运算之后的结果。
- copy(iter_begin(), iter_end(), ostream):将迭代范围内的容器拷贝到输出中,本函数要求前两个传入参数至少为输入迭代。它有一个类似方法copy_backward(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), output.end()),常用于将元素倒序放入。其它的拷贝函数还有copy_if和copy_n。但是copy_backward前两个参数要求的最低迭代权限为双向迭代。
- count(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), ele):统计ele元素迭代范围内出现的次数。
- count_if(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), bool_func):在迭代范围内统计使得bool_func为true的元素个数.
- equal(iter1.cbegin(), iter1.cend(), iter2.cbegin(), [predicate]):比较两个数据结构是否内容完全相同,返回值为bool。
- find(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), ele):在迭代范围内寻找ele元素,并返回其迭代位置。若未找到,返回迭代终止位置。本函数前两个参数支持的最低权限为输入迭代。
- find_if(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), bool_func):在迭代范围内寻找第一个使得bool_func为true的元素,并返回其迭代位置。若未找到,返回迭代终止位置。
- find_if_not(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), bool_func):判断是否迭代范围内存在元素,能使bool_func函数为false,返回值为bool。
- for_each(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), func):对迭代范围内的每一个元素按照func函数进行操作。
- includes(iter1.cbegin(), iter1.cend(), iter2.cbegin(), iter2.cend(), [predicate]):检测第二个集合是否包含在第一个集合中,返回值为bool。
- lexicographical_compare(begin(c1), end(c1), begin(c2), end(c2)):比较内置char数组,返回值为bool。
- minmax_element(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), [predicate]):找到数据结构中的最小最大元素对应的迭代,以对值形式返回。其对应的两个只返回最小最大元素迭代的函数分别为:min_element(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), [predicate])和max_element(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), [predicate])。
- mismatch(iter1.cbegin(), iter1.cend(), iter2.cbegin(), [predicate]):比较两个容器中的不同部分,返回值为一个对值。
- merge(iter1.cbegin(), iter1.cend(), iter2.cbegin(), iter2.cend(), output.begin(), [predicate]):将两个已经排序完毕的数据结构归并到result数据结构中。
- none_of(iter.begin(), iter.end(), bool_func):判断是否迭代范围内的所有元素都能使bool_func函数为false,返回值为bool。
- remove_copy(iter1.cbegin(), iter1.cend(), output.cbegin(), ele):将数据结构1中迭代范围内的元素复制到输出迭代中,并移除所有ele元素。返回值为被复制到输出迭代的最后一个元素所对应的迭代。
- remove_copy_if(iter1.cbegin(), iter1.cend(), output.begin(), bool_func):可参照remove和remove_copy之间的关系从remove_if函数推知该函数功能,返回值为最后一个被复制元素的迭代。
- replace_copy(iter1.cbegin(), iter1.cend(), output.begin(), ele1, ele2):复制数据结构迭代范围内的数据,粘帖到数据结构2迭代起始位置并将结构1中的ele1元素全部用ele2元素替代,返回值同考remove_copy。
- replace_copy_if(iter1.cbegin(), iter1.cend(), iter2.start(), bool_func, ele):功能可参照remove_copy_if得知,返回值和权限同remove_copy_if函数。
- set_difference(iter1.cbegin(), iter1.cend(), iter2.cbegin(), iter2.cend(), difference.begin(), [predicate]):作U1 - U2的集合操作。
- set_intersection(iter1.cbegin(), iter1.cend(), iter2.cbegin(), iter2.cend(), difference.begin(), [predicate]):作U1交U2的集合操作。
- set_symmetric_difference(iter1.cbegin(), iter1.cend(), iter2.cbegin(), iter2.cend(), difference.begin(), [predicate]):选出集合1和2分别独有的元素,存入difference数据结构中。
- set_union(iter1.cbegin(), iter1.cend(), iter2.cbegin(), iter2.cend(), difference.begin(), [predicate]):作U1并U2的集合操作。
- transform(iter1.cbegin(), iter1.cend(), [iter2.begin()], output.begin(), opfunc):将迭代范围内的每一个元素(数据结构2存在时为每一对元素)按照opfunc指定的方法处理,输出到output数据结构中。若可选参数被传入时,opfunc必须为一个二元操作函数,否则为一元操作函数。
- unique_copy(iter.begin(), iter.end(), output, [predicate]):将迭代范围内的元素去重吼存入output数据结构中。
- 未特殊说明时,iter指输入迭代,output指输出迭代。
- 此处集合操作未特殊声明,应理解为对数据结构的操作,而非数学定义的集合,因为操作中允许重复元素。
- binary_search(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), ele, [predicate]):通过二分查找的方式在迭代范围内(要求已排序)判断迭代范围内是否存在该元素,返回值为bool。
- eqaul_range(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), ele, [predicate]):查找最早和最晚适合插入ele元素的插入点位置对应的迭代,返回值为表示这两个位置的对值,类型均为向前迭代。
- fill(iter.begin(), iter.end(), data):用数据data将指定数据结构迭代范围内的位置填满。若未填满这个数据结构,其余部分保持原值。
- fill_n(iter.begin(), n, data):从起始迭代位置将data向数据结构中填入n次。若填充过程中遇到数据结构结束,则填充到结束位置为止。
- generate(iter.begin(), iter.end(), data):用数据data将指定数据结构迭代范围填满。若未填满这个数据结构,其余部分保持原值。
- generate_n(iter.begin(), iter.end(), data):从起始迭代位置将data向数据结构中填入n次。若填充过程中遇到数据结构结束,则填充到结束位置为止。
- iter_swap(iter.begin(), iter.end()):通过使用迭代器的方式交换这两个迭代分别对应的元素。
- lower_bound(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), ele, [predicate]):查找最早适合插入ele元素的插入点位置对应的迭代,返回值为表示该位置的向前迭代。
- min_element(iter.begin(), iter.end(), [predicate]):在迭代范围内找出最小元素首次出现所在的迭代位置,返回值为该位置的向前迭代。
- max_element(iter.begin(), iter.end(), [predicate]):在迭代范围内找出最大元素首次出现所在的迭代位置,返回值同上。
- minmax_element(iter.begin(), iter.end(), [predicate]):在迭代范围内分别找出最小最大元素首次出现所在的迭代位置,返回值为对值,第一个值表示最小元素,第二个则为最大元素。
- remove(iter.begin(), iter.end(), ele):移去数据结构中迭代范围内出现的所有ele元素,返回值为最后一个未被移除的元素的迭代位置。
- remove_if(iter.begin(), iter.end(), boo_func):在迭代范围内移去所有符合满足使得用户定义的bool函数为true的元素,返回值为最后一个未被移除的元素的迭代位置。
- replace(iter.begin(), iter.end(), ele1, ele2):将数据结构迭代范围内的所有ele1元素替换为ele2元素。
- replace_if(iter.begin(), iter.end(), bool_func, ele):在迭代范围内将符合满足用户定义的bool函数为true的元素全部替换为元素ele。
- swap_ranges(iter.begin(), iter.end(), iter.start()):将迭代范围内的元素与从iter_start()位置开始的元素进行交换。两个范围不能重叠,但可以是同一个数据结构内的范围,也可是不同数据结构的范围。
- unique(iter_begin(), iter_end()):返回迭代范围内指向数据结构最末单个元素的迭代。
- upper_bound(iter.cbegin(), iter.cend(), ele, [predicate]):查找最晚适合插入ele元素的插入点位置对应的迭代,返回值为表示该位置的向前迭代。
- inplace_merge(iter.begin(), iter.checkpoint(), iter.end()):将数据结构内部迭代范围内的元素进行归并。其中,要求begin至checkpoint(不包括)以及从checkpoint(包括)至终止位置的元素都分别相应已经排序。
- reverse(iter.begin(), iter.end()):倒置迭代范围内的所有元素。
- reverse_copy(iter.begin(), iter.end(), output):将数据结构中的元素倒置后置入输出容器中。
- make_heap(iter.begin(), iter.end(), [predicate]):用数据结构迭代范围内的元素建堆。
- push_heap(iter.begin(), iter.end(), [predicate]):将数据结构end位置元素加入由其它元素构成的堆中。(假设其他元素已构成堆)
- pop_heap(iter.begin(), iter.end(), [predicate]):将堆顶元素推出堆,放在end位置,并将剩余元素进行调堆。
- random_shuffle(iter.begin(), iter.end(), [rand_generator]):打乱迭代范围内元素,其中rand_generator为可选函数。
- sort(iter.begin(), iter.end(), [predicate]):将迭代范围内的数据元素进行排序。
- sort_heap(iter.begin(), iter.end(), [predicate]):根据已有堆进行堆排序。
- fill 和generate是有区别的,简而言之,fill只是从头到尾填充同一个浅拷贝的元素,而generate则是生成深拷贝的元素(从样例程序和参考资料 中都可以看出来)
- 参数中若有c开头的迭代(cbegin或cend)表示此处可以使用常量迭代(作用类似于常量指针),没有则必须使用变量迭代。
- 迭代范围值从迭代起始位置到迭代终止位置。
- 未经特殊说明,本文所指的迭代起始位置包括起始的那个元素的迭代,而迭代终止位置则不包括。
- 凡是返回元素所在位置迭代的,若未查找到该元素或数据结构中所有元素都已遍历,则返回end位置的迭代,没有实际意义。
- 对值(pair object)是指由两个分别指向迭代起始和迭代终止位置组成的一对指针,一般形式为``` auto p = pair_obj;
1. 文中由中括号包括的为可选参数,[predicate]是C++函数对象,可以是函数指针、函数对象和lambda表达式,关于此参数的使用,可以详见楼主博客《小论C++函数对象在STL算法函数中的应用》,URL:https://my.oschina.net/SamYjy/blog/878125。
### 仅针对排序后的数据结构进行操作的算法:
binary_search, lower_bound, upper_bound, equal_range, includes, set_difference, set_intersection, set_symmetric_difference, set_union。(可以简要概括为二分查找、范围算法和集合操作)
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> // algorithm definitions #include <array> // array class-template definition #include <iterator> // ostream_iterator using namespace std;
char nextLetter(); // prototype of generator function
int main() { array< char, 10 > chars; ostream_iterator< char > output(cout, " "); fill(chars.begin() + 1, chars.end(), nextLetter()); // fill chars with 5s
cout << "chars after filling with 5s:\n";
copy(chars.cbegin(), chars.cend(), output);
// fill first five elements of chars with As
fill_n(chars.begin() + 8, 5, 'X');
cout << "\nchars after filling five elements with As:\n";
copy(chars.cbegin(), chars.cend(), output);
// generate values for all elements of chars with nextLetter
generate(chars.begin(), chars.end(), nextLetter);
cout << "\nchars after generating letters A-J:\n";
copy(chars.cbegin(), chars.cend(), output);
// generate values for first five elements of chars with nextLetter
generate_n(chars.begin(), 5, nextLetter);
cout << "\nchars after generating K-O for the"
<< " first five elements:\n";
copy(chars.cbegin(), chars.cend(), output);
cout << endl;
} // end main
// generator function returns next letter (starts with A) char nextLetter() { static char letter = 'A'; return letter++; } // end function nextLetter
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template<class ForwardIterator, class Generator>
例2:比较函数equal, mismatch以及lexicographical_compare示例:
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> // algorithm definitions #include <array> // array class-template definition #include <iterator> // ostream_iterator
using namespace std;
int main() { const size_t SIZE = 10; array< int, SIZE > a1 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; array< int, SIZE > a2( a1 ); // initializes a2 with copy of a1 array< int, SIZE > a3 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 1000, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; ostream_iterator< int > output( cout, " " );
// compare a1 and a2 for equality bool result = equal( a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), a2.cbegin() ); cout << "a1 " << ( result ? "is" : "is not" ) << " equal to a2." << endl;
// compare a1 and a3 for equality result = equal( a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), a3.cbegin() ); cout << "a1 " << ( result ? "is" : "is not" ) << " equal to a3. " << endl;
// check for mismatch between a1 and a3
auto location = mismatch( a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), a3.cbegin() ); cout << "\nThere is a mismatch between a1 and a3 at location " << ( location.first - a1.begin() ) << "\nwhere a1 contains " << *location.first << " and a3 contains " << *location.second
<< "\n" << endl;
char c1[ SIZE ] = "HELLO"; char c2[ SIZE ] = "BYE BYE";
// perform lexicographical comparison of c1 and c2 result = lexicographical_compare( begin( c1 ), end( c1 ), begin( c2 ), end( c2 ) ); cout << c1 << ( result ? " is less than " : " is greater than or equal to " ) << c2 << endl; } // end main
![输入图片说明](https://static.oschina.net/uploads/img/201704/13210309_1Iy5.png "在这里输入图片标题")
例3:移除类算法remove, remove_if, remove_copy以及remove_copy_if示例:
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> // algorithm definitions #include <array> // array class-template definition #include <iterator> // ostream_iterator using namespace std;
bool greater9( int ); // prototype
int main() { const size_t SIZE = 10; array< int, SIZE > init = { 10, 2, 10, 4, 16, 6, 14, 8, 12, 10 }; ostream_iterator< int > output( cout, " " );
array< int, SIZE > a1( init ); // initialize with copy of init cout << "a1 before removing all 10s: "; copy( a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), output ); cout << endl;
// remove all 10s from a1 auto newLastElement = remove( a1.begin(), a1.end(), 10 ); cout << "a1 after removing all 10s: "; copy( a1.begin(), newLastElement, output ); cout << endl;
array< int, SIZE > a2( init ); // initialize with copy of init array< int, SIZE > c = { 0 }; // initialize to 0s
// copy from a2 to c, removing 10s in the process remove_copy( a2.cbegin(), a2.cend(), c.begin(), 10 ); cout << "\nc after removing all 10s from a2: "; copy( c.cbegin(), c.cend(), output ); cout << endl;
array< int, SIZE > a3( init ); // initialize with copy of init
// remove elements greater than 9 from a3 newLastElement = remove_if( a3.begin(), a3.end(), greater9 ); cout << "a3 after removing all elements greater than 9: "; copy( a3.begin(), newLastElement, output ); cout << endl;
array< int, SIZE > a4( init ); // initialize with copy of init array< int, SIZE > c2 = { 0 }; // initialize to 0s
// copy elements from a4 to c2, removing elements greater // than 9 in the process, greater9 is only function header. remove_copy_if( a4.begin(), a4.end(), c2.begin(), greater9 ); cout << "c2 after removing all elements" << "greater than 9 from a4: "; copy( c2.cbegin(), c2.cend(), output ); cout << endl; } // end main
// determine whether argument is greater than 9 bool greater9( int x ) { return x > 9; } // end function greater9
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例4:常用数值操作random_shuffle, count, count_if, min_element, max_element, minmax_element, accumulate, for_each以及transform操作示例:
// Fig. 16.5: fig16_05.cpp // Mathematical algorithms of the Standard Library. #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> // algorithm definitions
#include <numeric> // accumulate is defined here #include <array> #include <iterator> #include <random> #include <ctime>
using namespace std;
bool greater9( int ); // predicate function prototype void outputSquare( int ); // output square of a value int sumMultiply( int, int ); // calculate cube of a value int myrandom(int i) {
srand(time(0)); return std::rand() % i; } bool reverseCompare(int num1, int num2){ return num1 > num2; } int howToAccumulate(int sum, int item){ return sum + (item << 1); } int calculateCube(int val){ return val * val * val;}
int main() { const int SIZE = 10; array< int, SIZE > a1 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; ostream_iterator< int > output( cout, " " );
cout << "a1 before random_shuffle: "; copy( a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), output );
random_shuffle(a1.begin(), a1.end(), myrandom);
cout << "\na1 after random_shuffle: "; copy( a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), output );
array< int, SIZE > a2 = { 100, 2, 8, 1, 50, 3, 8, 8, 9, 10 }; cout << "\n\na2 contains: "; copy( a2.cbegin(), a2.cend(), output );
// count number of elements in a2 with value 8 int result = count( a2.cbegin(), a2.cend(), 8 ); cout << "\nNumber of elements matching 8: " << result;
// count number of elements in a2 that are greater than 9 result = count_if( a2.cbegin(), a2.cend(), greater9 ); cout << "\nNumber of elements greater than 9: " << result;
// locate minimum element in a2 cout << "\n\nMinimum element in a2 is: " << *( min_element( a2.cbegin(), a2.cend(), reverseCompare ) );
// locate maximum element in a2 cout << "\nMaximum element in a2 is: " << *( max_element( a2.cbegin(), a2.cend() ) );
// locate minimum and maximum elements in a2 auto minAndMax = minmax_element( a2.cbegin(), a2.cend() ); cout << "\nThe minimum and maximum elements in a2 are " << *minAndMax.first << " and " << *minAndMax.second << ", respectively";
// calculate sum of elements in a1 cout << "\n\nThe twice of the total of the elements in a1 is: " << accumulate( a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), 0, howToAccumulate );
// output square of every element in a1 cout << "\n\nThe square of every integer in a1 is:\n"; for_each( a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), outputSquare );
array< int, SIZE > multiplieSum; // instantiate multiplieSum array<int, SIZE> cubes;
// calculate cube of each element in a1; place results in cubes transform( a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), a2.cbegin(), multiplieSum.begin(), sumMultiply ); cout << "\n\nThe sum of muliply of one element in a1 and another in a2 is:\n"; copy( multiplieSum.cbegin(), multiplieSum.cend(), output ); cout << endl;
transform( a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), cubes.begin(), calculateCube ); cout << "\n\nThe cubes of all elements in a1 is:\n"; copy( cubes.cbegin(), cubes.cend(), output ); cout << endl; } // end main
// determine whether argument is greater than 9 bool greater9( int value ) { return value > 9; } // end function greater9
// output square of argument void outputSquare( int value ) { cout << value * value << ' '; } // end function outputSquare
// return cube of argument int sumMultiply( int val1, int val2 ) { return val1 * val2; } // end function calculateCube
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例5:常用查找、排序操作find, find_if, sort, binary_search, all_of, any_of, none_of和find_if_not操作使用示例:
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> // algorithm definitions #include <array> // array class-template definition #include <iterator> using namespace std;
bool greater10( int value ); // predicate function prototype bool intCompare(int num1, int num2){ return num1 > num2; }
int main() { const size_t SIZE = 10; array< int, SIZE > a = { 10, 2, 17, 5, 16, 8, 13, 11, 20, 7 }; ostream_iterator< int > output( cout, " " );
cout << "array a contains: "; copy( a.cbegin(), a.cend(), output ); // display output vector
// locate first occurrence of 16 in a auto location = find( a.cbegin(), a.cend(), 16 );
if ( location != a.cend() ) // found 16 cout << "\n\nFound 16 at location " << ( location - a.cbegin() ); else // 16 not found cout << "\n\n16 not found";
// locate first occurrence of 100 in a location = find( a.cbegin(), a.cend(), 100 );
if ( location != a.cend() ) // found 100 cout << "\nFound 100 at location " << ( location - a.cbegin() ); else // 100 not found cout << "\n100 not found";
// locate first occurrence of value greater than 10 in a location = find_if( a.cbegin(), a.cend(), greater10 );
if ( location != a.cend() ) // found value greater than 10 cout << "\n\nThe first value greater than 10 is " << *location << "\nfound at location " << ( location - a.cbegin() ); else // value greater than 10 not found cout << "\n\nNo values greater than 10 were found";
// sort elements of a //sort( a.begin(), a.end() ); //Sort in reverse order: sort( a.begin(), a.end(), intCompare ); cout << "\n\narray a after sort: "; copy( a.cbegin(), a.cend(), output );
// use binary_search to locate 13 in a if ( binary_search( a.cbegin(), a.cend(), 13, intCompare ) ) cout << "\n\n13 was found in a, location: " << (find( a.cbegin(), a.cend(), 13 ) - a.cbegin()) << endl; else cout << "\n\n13 was not found in a";
// use binary_search to locate 100 in a if ( binary_search( a.cbegin(), a.cend(), 100 ) ) cout << "\n100 was found in a"; else cout << "\n100 was not found in a";
// determine whether all of the elements of a are greater than 10 if ( all_of( a.cbegin(), a.cend(), greater10 ) ) cout << "\n\nAll the elements in a are greater than 10"; else cout << "\n\nSome elements in a are not greater than 10";
// determine whether any of the elements of a are greater than 10 if ( any_of( a.cbegin(), a.cend(), greater10 ) ) cout << "\n\nSome of the elements in a are greater than 10"; else cout << "\n\nNone of the elements in a are greater than 10";
// determine whether none of the elements of a are greater than 10 if ( none_of( a.cbegin(), a.cend(), greater10 ) ) cout << "\n\nNone of the elements in a are greater than 10"; else cout << "\n\nSome of the elements in a are greater than 10";
// locate first occurrence of value that's not greater than 10 in a location = find_if_not( a.cbegin(), a.cend(), greater10 );
if ( location != a.cend() ) // found a value less than or eqaul to 10 cout << "\n\nThe first value not greater than 10 is " << *location << "\nfound at location " << ( location - a.cbegin() ); else // no values less than or equal to 10 were found cout << "\n\nOnly values greater than 10 were found";
cout << endl; } // end main
// determine whether argument is greater than 10 bool greater10( int value ) { return value > 10; } // end function greater10
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例6:swap_ranges, sort, merge, unique函数使用示例:
// Fig. 16.7: fig16_07.cpp // Algorithms iter_swap, swap and swap_ranges. #include <iostream> #include <array> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> using namespace std;
// sort using a custom function object
struct { bool operator()(int a, int b) { return a > b; } } customLess;
int main() { const size_t SIZE = 10; array< int, SIZE > a = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; array< int, SIZE > b = { 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }; array<int, 5> c = {15, 13, 11, 9, 7}; ostream_iterator< int > output( cout, " " );
// swap elements in first five elements of array a with // elements in last five elements of array a swap_ranges( a.begin(), a.begin() + 5, b.begin() + 5 );
cout << "\nArray a, b after the process: " << endl; copy( a.cbegin(), a.cend(), output ); cout << endl; copy( b.cbegin(), b.cend(), output ); cout << endl;
sort(b.begin(), b.end(), std::greater<int>()); copy( b.cbegin(), b.cend(), output ); cout << endl; vector<int> result; merge(b.cbegin(), b.cend(), c.cbegin(), c.cend(), back_inserter(result), std::greater<int>()); /Below is also available, but is in C-Style: merge(b.cbegin(), b.cend(), c.cbegin(), c.cend(), back_inserter(result), customLess);/
cout << "Merge result: "; copy( result.cbegin(), result.cend(), output ); cout << endl;
auto endLocation = unique(result.begin(), result.end()); for(auto p = endLocation; p <= result.end(); p++) result.pop_back();
cout << "After unique and reverse, result contains: "; reverse(result.begin(), result.end()); copy(result.begin(), result.end(), output); cout << endl; } // end main
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例7:集合操作includes, set_difference, set_intersection, set_symmetric_difference和set_union操作示例:
#include <iostream> #include <array> #include <algorithm> // algorithm definitions #include <iterator> // ostream_iterator using namespace std;
int main() { const size_t SIZE1 = 10, SIZE2 = 5, SIZE3 = 20; array< int, SIZE1 > a1 = { 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; array< int, SIZE2 > a2 = { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; array< int, SIZE2 > a3 = { 4, 5, 6, 11, 15 }; ostream_iterator< int > output( cout, " " );
// determine whether a2 is completely contained in a1 if ( includes( a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), a2.cbegin(), a2.cend() ) ) cout << "a1 includes a2"; else cout << "a1 does not include a2";
cout << endl;
// determine whether a3 is completely contained in a1 if ( includes( a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), a3.cbegin(), a3.cend() ) ) cout << "a1 includes a3"; else cout << "a1 does not include a3"; cout << "\n" << endl;
array< int, SIZE1 > difference;
// determine elements of a1 not in a2 auto result1 = set_difference( a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), a2.cbegin(), a2.cend(), difference.begin() ); cout << "set_difference of a1 and a2 is: "; copy( difference.begin(), result1, output ); cout << endl;
array< int, SIZE1 > intersection;
// determine elements in both a1 and a2 auto result2 = set_intersection( a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), a2.cbegin(), a2.cend(), intersection.begin() ); cout << "set_intersection of a1 and a2 is: "; copy( intersection.begin(), result2, output ); cout << endl;
array< int, SIZE1 + SIZE2 > symmetric_difference;
// determine elements of a1 that are not in a2 and // elements of a2 that are not in a1 auto result3 = set_symmetric_difference( a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), a3.cbegin(), a3.cend(), symmetric_difference.begin() );
cout << "set_symmetric_difference of a1 and a3 is: "; copy( symmetric_difference.begin(), result3, output ); cout << endl;
array< int, SIZE3 > unionSet;
// determine elements that are in either or both sets auto result4 = set_union( a1.cbegin(), a1.cend(), a3.cbegin(), a3.cend(), unionSet.begin() ); cout << "set_union of a1 and a3 is: "; copy( unionSet.begin(), result4, output ); cout << endl; } // end main
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例8:堆有关操作make_heap, sort_heap, push_heap以及pop_heap:
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <array> #include <vector> #include <iterator> using namespace std;
int main() { const size_t SIZE = 10; array< int, SIZE > init = { 3, 100, 52, 77, 22, 31, 1, 98, 13, 40 }; array< int, SIZE > a( init ); // copy of init
ostream_iterator< int > output( cout, " " );
make_heap( a.begin(), a.end() ); // create heap from array a cout << "Array a after make_heap: "; copy( a.cbegin(), a.cend(), output ); cout << endl;
sort_heap( a.begin(), a.end() ); // sort elements with sort_heap cout << "Array a after sort_heap: "; copy( a.cbegin(), a.cend(), output ); cout << endl;
// perform the heapsort with push_heap and pop_heap cout << "\nArray init contains: "; copy( init.cbegin(), init.cend(), output ); // display array init cout << endl;
vector< int > v;
// place elements of array init into v and // maintain elements of v in heap for ( size_t i = 0; i < init.size(); ++i ) { v.push_back( init[ i ] ); push_heap( v.begin(), v.end() );
cout << "\nv after push_heap(init[" << i << "]): "; copy( v.cbegin(), v.cend(), output ); } // end for
cout << endl;
// remove elements from heap in sorted order for ( size_t j = 0; j < v.size(); ++j ) { cout << "\nv after " << v[ 0 ] << " popped from heap\n"; pop_heap( v.begin(), v.end() - j ); copy( v.cbegin(), v.cend(), output ); } // end for
cout << endl; } // end main
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1. C++编程官方参考资料cpp reference:URL: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm
1. 华秋实专栏,fill和generate的区别,URL:http://blog.csdn.net/yockie/article/details/8941649
1. Paul Deitel & Harvey Deitel, C++11程序设计(英文版)(第2版)
1. SamYjy的OSC博客,《一篇文章看懂C++ 标准模板库容器和迭代》